Sweetheart Swimsuit

(CAT) Navegant per Pinterest vaig topar un dia amb aquest patró The Sweetheart Swimsuit de Sara Dudek. Em va encantar, i de seguida el vaig afegir al meu taulell. Doncs bé, per fi, m'he animat a fer-lo realitat. Aprofitant que acabava de descobrir un fil de cotó elàstic, la Katia Cotton Stretch, i que em moria per provar-lo. Per aquest projecte  m'han calgut 3 troques. També he de dir, que he hagut de fer un parell de modificacions al patró original.

Modificació nº1:
Row 128: Ch1, 2 sc in first sc, 1 sc in each of the next 80sc, 2 sc in the final sc (84 sc total). Turn.
Row 129: Ch1, 1 sc in each stitch of previous row (84 sc total). Turn.
Row 130:  Ch1, 2 sc in first sc, 1 sc in each of the next 82sc, 2 sc in the final sc (86 sc total). Turn.
Row 131: Ch1, 1 sc in each stitch of previous row (86 sc total). Turn.
Row 132:  Ch1, 2 sc in first sc, 2 sc in second sc, 1 sc in each of the next 82sc, 2 sc in the second to lasr sc, 2 sc in the final sc (90 sc total). Turn.
Row 133: Ch1, 1 sc in each stitch of previous row (90 sc total). Turn.
Row 134:  Ch1, 2 sc in first sc, 2 sc in second sc, 1 sc in each of the next 86sc, 2 sc in the second to lasr sc, 2 sc in the final sc (94 sc total). Turn.
Row 135: Ch1, 1 sc in each stitch of previous row (94 sc total). Turn.
Row 136 to 145: As row 135.

Amb aixó he fet més alta la part de la calça pel darrera.

Modificació nº2:
Dos tirants extres de 100 cadenetes amb 100 punts baixos (100 sc) a 3 cm amunt de la tira de 300 punts baixos. Així tinc major subjecció del banyador.

I quan vaig acabar el meu ( Black Sweetheart Swimsuit), en vaig començar un altre en verd (Smerald Sweetheart Swimsuit).

(ES) Navegando por  Pinterest encontré éste patrón The Sweetheart Swimsuit de Sara Dudek. Me encantó nada más verlo y lo añadí a mi tablero. Un dia descubrí que habian sacado un hilo de algodón elástico, la Katia Cotton Stretch, y pensé que seria ideal para hacer un trikini. Para hacer éste trikini me han hecho falta 3 ovillos y tuve que aplicar un par de modificaciones al patrón original.

Modificación nº1:
Row 128: Ch1, 2 sc in first sc, 1 sc in each of the next 80sc, 2 sc in the final sc (84 sc total). Turn.
Row 129: Ch1, 1 sc in each stitch of previous row (84 sc total). Turn.
Row 130:  Ch1, 2 sc in first sc, 1 sc in each of the next 82sc, 2 sc in the final sc (86 sc total). Turn.
Row 131: Ch1, 1 sc in each stitch of previous row (86 sc total). Turn.
Row 132:  Ch1, 2 sc in first sc, 2 sc in second sc, 1 sc in each of the next 82sc, 2 sc in the second to lasr sc, 2 sc in the final sc (90 sc total). Turn.
Row 133: Ch1, 1 sc in each stitch of previous row (90 sc total). Turn.
Row 134:  Ch1, 2 sc in first sc, 2 sc in second sc, 1 sc in each of the next 86sc, 2 sc in the second to lasr sc, 2 sc in the final sc (94 sc total). Turn.
Row 135: Ch1, 1 sc in each stitch of previous row (94 sc total). Turn.
Row 136 to 145: As row 135.

Con esto conseguí hacer un poco más alta la parte de la braga.

Modificación nº2:
Dos tirantes extras de 100 cadenetas con 100 puntos bajos (100 sc) a 3 cm  por encima de la tira de 300 punts baixos. Así se sujeta mejor el bañador.

Cuando acabé el mio en negro ( Black Sweetheart Swimsuit), empezé otro en verde (Smerald Sweetheart Swimsuit).
(EN) Browsing Pinterest I found this pattern The Sweetheart Swimsuit by Sara Dudek. I loved it at first sight, and I added it in my board. Later I discovered a new yarn of stretch cotton Katia Cotton Stretch, and I thought it will be perfect to knit a trikini. This trikini waste 3 skeins of yarn and I needed to add two modifications to the original pattern.

Modification nº1:
Row 128: Ch1, 2 sc in first sc, 1 sc in each of the next 80sc, 2 sc in the final sc (84 sc total). Turn.
Row 129: Ch1, 1 sc in each stitch of previous row (84 sc total). Turn.
Row 130:  Ch1, 2 sc in first sc, 1 sc in each of the next 82sc, 2 sc in the final sc (86 sc total). Turn.
Row 131: Ch1, 1 sc in each stitch of previous row (86 sc total). Turn.
Row 132:  Ch1, 2 sc in first sc, 2 sc in second sc, 1 sc in each of the next 82sc, 2 sc in the second to lasr sc, 2 sc in the final sc (90 sc total). Turn.
Row 133: Ch1, 1 sc in each stitch of previous row (90 sc total). Turn.
Row 134:  Ch1, 2 sc in first sc, 2 sc in second sc, 1 sc in each of the next 86sc, 2 sc in the second to lasr sc, 2 sc in the final sc (94 sc total). Turn.
Row 135: Ch1, 1 sc in each stitch of previous row (94 sc total). Turn.
Row 136 to 145: As row 135.

With this, I enlarged the panty piece of the swuimsuit.

Modification nº2:
Two extra ties of 100 chain and 100 simple crochet 3cm over the tie of 300 stitches to bind the swuimsuit better.

When I finished my black swuimsuit ( Black Sweetheart Swimsuit), I made another in smerald green (Smerald Sweetheart Swimsuit).


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