Happy new year 2012!
This year has been very special for me, because it was the year I created this blog. Until then , just my family and closest friends know that I do crochet and knitting ... and I was embarrassed to talk about it , as people always are surprised ... they told me ... but you, who are software developer , you like extreme metal music ... you crochet ? Yes, I crochet and knitting ! It has always been present in my life, because it helps me relax , so more than a hobby , it's my life therapy , and makes me happy. Thanks to all who have followed my blog, for your support, and the ideas you have given me to new creations. Happy new year 2012! Aquest any ha estat molt especial per a mi, doncs ha sigut l'any que he creat aquest bloc. Fins llavors, només la meva família i els amics més íntims sabíen que jo faig ganxet i tricot... i em feia vergonya parlar del tema, doncs la gent es quedava sorpresa... em deien... com és que sent engi...